
The voice of Li Nanyang, daughter of Li Rui who once was the secretory of Mao 

I have been deeply troubled by what has been happening in this country. The white supremacy has become number one criminal; the people who support MAGA movement have been called semi-fascism; the parents who challenge the policy of a school district have been listed as domestic enemy; the Jan.6 event has been named an insurrection; the 2020 election has become unquestionable. The unalienable rights of We the People that were conferred by the American Constitution and declared by the Declaration of Independence have been snatched away. In the US, there is no shortage of scholars studying China and the CCP, but it is very rare who may take China as a mirror for his/her own country, which makes no sense to me-why you study China, what is the point to teach your students, just a horror story happened far away from them?  孔子说:见不贤而内自省也。Confucius said:  “When you see someone who is not virtuous, you should introspect yourself. ” As a person, had lived 40 years under the CCP’s tyranny, especially had been pushed into the brutal political maelstrom at age of 9, because my father once was Mao Zedong’s secretory, I believe that the dictatorship immunity of mine is higher than the people have been living in the western world. I’m not asking you to agree with me but would like you listen to my point of view from a different angle.

Divide and Control/分而治之

Mao Zedong was a master of controlling people.  He divided Chinese people into different classes and then use the reddest class-poor peasants and workers to repress the blackest class-landlords, capitalists, and lured the intermedia color people-middle rich peasants, quasi -intellectuals to assist to overwhelm the blackest class. To utilize the color to separate the people into different groups and挑动群众斗群众instigated the people to fight each other, i.e., give red people political privilege to watch and punish politically disadvantaged people, which made the former love him, worship him, and follow each word of him and voluntarily confine other class’s thought and acts. Through this manipulation, Mao made himself a totality ruler on every Chinese.

I see BLM is the same as Mao’s “Divide and Control”.

The Black Lives Matter, which no doubt means other color lives do not matter. Those officials from each level of governments and the representatives of the congress who support the BLM movement name the people who do not agree with BLM as white supremacy, even if you are black, but you are black face of white supremacy. Chinese always say: help urgent need but not poor救急不救穷. Nobody can solve the problem of the poor but the poor themselves. How many years has the affirmative action been carried out? The black society is getting even poorer. Those officials, representatives play the god to save the black people and make the black people’s lives rely on their alms, through this dependence, they totally control the black people, while using black supremacy to threaten those people who disagree with their policy.

Treat black people the same way as other races: Chinese, Latino, and Korean … …, do not look down upon them as a weaker class needs a special care from the government, see what is going to happen. Equality means people have equal opportunity to be the best of themselves through their efforts.  Equity means that the government takes money from people’s wallets and distributes it in a way the government believes to be fair. Equality=individual freedom, equity=absolute control of the government. 

Equal before the Law/法律面前人人平等

“Everybody is equal before the law including Trump” is what I have been hearing from the mainstream media since 2016. It is correct, and I have no problem with it. But my question is, Mrs. Clinton has been openly crying about her presidency of 2016 being stolen, she has no trouble with the law. Yes, you may say, she just says it but never incited a riot, which is totally different from Trump. My curiosity is why Mrs. Colinton has not filed a lawsuit against the “stolen”, not even once, should she believe it so surely?  But Trump and the people who questioned the integrity of  2020 election have filed numerous lawsuits at different courts of different districts and lower- and higher-level with hundreds of affidavits. Another question is, did Trump incite an insurrection? What Trump said on Jan. 6 was: “march to the capital peacefully and patriotically.” A handful of capital videos of Jan. 6 that were released by Tucker Carlson when he worked at Fox News had led to the early release of Mr. QAnon Shaman who once was a symbol of Jan. 6 rioter.

Let’s see one more thing: the indictment for the “2016 Presidential Campaign Hush Money Payment of $300K” brought by Manhattan DA Alvin Bragg, President Trump was charged with 34 counts as felonies. While the congress oversight committee has revealed tons of evidence to show over $20 million oversea money has zigzagly transferred to more than 20 shell company accounts owned by various members of the Biden family. Have they ever got one trouble with the law? I’m not going to list all my questions about those indictments that have been filed against President Trump, just one more. The FBI raided Mar-a-Lago, accordingly President Trump was indicted with 37 felony counts related to the mishandling of classified documents, obstructing justice, and making false statements. But how about the famous “Clinton socks case” ? How about senator and vice president Biden who stored classified documents at home, at the Biden center of UPENN? Not just Trump and Biden, National Archives finds: “Every Administration Since Reagan Mishandled Classified Records.” Has any president got trouble with the law except for President Trump?

Oath Keepers founder Stewart Rhodes was sentenced 18 years after “Jan. 6 seditious conspiracy conviction”.  U.S. District Judge Amit P. Mehta addressed Rhodes directly: “what was the motive? You didn’t like the new guy.” Nobel laureate Liu Xiaobo was convicted on the charge of “He was dissatisfied with the government.” ? He was sentenced to 11 years.  One disliked the newly elected American president Biden, and one disliked the Chinese government ruled by the CCP, Mr. Rhodes living under the Democracy of seeing by many Americans was sentenced 7 years more than Liu Xiaopo who was lived in the CCP dictatorship that most Americans believes.   

On Sep. 5, ex-Leader of Proud Boys, Mr. Enrique Tarrio was sentenced to 22 years in the so-called “Jan. 6 Sedition Case”. My father had been exiled, house arrested and jailed for 20 years in the Chinese Communist Party’s reign, with the charge of anti-party and anti-Chairman Mao. Mr. Tarrio exclusively told Gateway Pundit: “They asked me to LIE about President Trump in order to indict him,” “I told them to pound sand, and because I refused to lie about President Trump, it cost me twenty-two years of my life.”  Two years longer than my father.

Reporter Owen Shroyer Sentenced to 60 days in prison for Speech Crimes! – DOJ says “Shroyer helped create January 6.” Based largely on what he said during and after the “riot” at the Capitol on Jan. 6. He made the decision to plead guilty to a lesser charge.

What I see in today’s America is not Blind Justice but the same as the CCP law, which is a weapon held by Party, it punishes party’s enemies only and lets other criminals go free. 

Has Trump Polarized the Country?

Asked what keeps him awake at night in an interview with CBS News in May 2023, the former president Obama said “the degree to which we now have a divided conversation, in part because we have a divided media, a splintered media.” He noted, “When I was coming up, you had three TV stations … and people were getting a similar sense of what is true and what isn’t, what was real and what was not.” Now, “we almost occupy different realities.”

Obviously, Obama believes that a society should have One Voice and One View on One Reality, this is normal. Now, even though mainstream media are just copying what Democrats are saying, only a few ignorant medias are still talking about what they believe, which absolutely is unacceptable.

My father’s book Li Rui Oral History was confiscated by the customs of Beijing airport on Oct. 29, 2013. The Third Intermedia Court, Beijing accepted my lawsuit against the customs in June 2014. Up to today, I have received 25 postponed notices of court hearing date and I have issued 109 “Following Up Reports” just kicking a iron wall. Li Rui lived 102 years, was a member of the CCP till his death, and he was a close friend of Xi Jinping’s father Xi Zhongxun. The party covered his remains with the party’s flag that is soaked in human blood. But why does party man Li Rui’s MEMOIR, which recalled his whole life following the CCP, be defined as a banned book rather than a Red Book?  It is quite simple, because under Li Rui’s pen, what is true is not true by the party’s pen.  Those party leaders, Mao Zedong, Gao Gang, Chen Yun, Hu Yaobang, Zhao Ziyang, Jiang Zemin, Li Peng and Xi Jiping … whose images Li Rui drafted, do not match what party has painted.  Li Rui’s writing will divide conversations and cost a splintered society, which is absolutely unallowed by the CCP.  Li Rui’s book must be forbidden to enter the border of P. R. China.

So, I say, what Obama said to CBS is the same thought of the CCP.  Obama wishes he would be worshiped by the Americans as Mao Zedong whom he is so fond of. He hopes the Democrat holds the power as the CCP does perpetually.  For the sake of that, he believes that controlling the right to speak is number one among those important issues. What the bigwig of the democratic party says, all the media must echo; what is true  bigwig of democratic party says, Americans must agree. Otherwise, you are polarizing the country. But where is the freedom of speech?

A young friend of mine living in Norway emailed me a short essay written by a Norwegian citizen Mr. Glenn Bergstø during the covid. The friend watched Fang Fei’s Interview with Li Nanyang regarding the "Mar-a-Lago Raid". In the interview, I talked about the hatred towards the MAGA people, which was incited by the extreme left. I interpreted it as a way of CCP’s revolutionary thinking. Only those revolutionaries would regard their political opponents as enemies who must be swept away like the autumn wind blowing the leaves, then, step a million times on their bodies to make sure those people may never be able to flip over. The friend said in his email: “After all, I haven't been in the US, so only say Norwegians, they don’t hate each other when encountering major social conflicts. Such as, at the end of last year, the Norwegian government tented to follow the European Union to enforce a vaccine passport, which made Norwegians extremely angry, but showing no hatred.  There was a Norwegian who wrote a short essay-Whom we are:

Norway is now preparing to introduce vaccination passports.  It is about us having a duty to think carefully about who we are as individuals, who we are as a person, and what kind of country we want to be.  A vaccination passport is a clear violation of human rights and the Norwegian constitution.

Some believe that human rights must give way to the community and public health but forget that unvaccinated people are part of the community, and of public health. The unvaccinated people are not because of simply refusing to do so.  Some of them cannot take the vaccine, some took the 1st vaccine and had serious side effects, and some have taken twice but do not want to take more. All of these people belong to our community. Once we choose to segregate them from the community, it becomes "us" and "them".  Is this really the kind of society we want?

Are human rights only for good times?  Or were the rights created because we lived through horrible times we don't want to repeat? Could it be that human rights in themselves are the community's best interest?

Apartheid is an African word meaning separation. In South Africa they had racial segregation, which was cruel. Now Europe and Norway are introducing medical apartheid. A segregation based on obedience, which will be just as cruel.  Because, every time we divide the community into two groups, where one has more value and rights than the other, tragedy follows.

Some Norwegians' attitudes towards fellow human beings and their lack of knowledge of history frighten me more than any virus or disease. For the first time in my life, I fear that I may have to flee my own country.

Show courage, fight for the community, and say no to vaccination passports. Say no to fear.

The Right that Governed to Alter and Abolish a Destructive Government

Famous Mark Twain once said: “Patriotism is supporting your country all the time, and your government when it deserves it. ”

Declaration of Independence says: “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.-That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed,-That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.

In my mind 煽颠罪/Insurrection only exists in a totalitarian country, but not in the great American – the city upon a hill. The American government must be overseen by the governed and We the People own the right to question what the government is doing all the time.







以巴问题之一:美国和以色列为何2017年退出联合国教科文(UNESCO) 组织?(张洵)